Kick the Muslims Out?

Aug 23rd, 2018



Does the Republican Party have room for a Muslim in it's local leadership?

The head of the Tarrent Republican Party picked a local Muslim man for a top slot with the party.  He's a two-time elected Southlake city council member and a former Surgeon at UT Southwestern.  Impressive.  But, not enough for many Republicans in Tarrant.  They want the Muslim out.

So, where should US conservatives stand?

First, I need to tell you the truth: What I say on my radio show ALL THE TIME: Islam is NOT compatible with the United States, nor is Allah the same God that I worship.

But, to me, the important questions are:  How should you treat your Muslim neighbor? Should you be friends with them?  Would you allow seeking Muslim to come to your church? How would you treat a Muslim co-worker?  What about the constitutional prohibition of a "religous test"?  Should we try to stop Muslims from voting Republican?  What abuot Mormons, Jews and Jehova's Witnesses?

You're not going to hear me say cliche's, like being a "big tent" party..

But what I will say is that my authentic Christian beliefs guide me before everything, and they say to let this one go.

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