
Sep 9th, 2018



I am overwhelmed.

I have deep sadness and hurt for Bothan Jean's family and friends.  He was shot and killed by a Dallas officer. 

There is no question from where I see it this is a wonderful, godly man.  As wrong as this seems to be no matter when, I cannot imagine it being a worse time.  I'm hurt and in mourning for this man and his family, friends and church.

There are SO MANY questions we all have, with so few answers.  Please pray for Mr. Jean's family and friends.

We also had an Arlington Police shooting, which led to a black man being killed.  The bodycam just came out. On my first look, it doesn't look like a clean shoot.  I'm not an expert, but it doesn't look good.

Pray.  My biggest fear is that these incidents will help the growing evil that hates our cops, law and order..to grow stronger.  Pray for all of us and this nation.

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