Was it OK to Pepper Ball "Migrant" Mother, Child?

Nov 26th, 2018



To the woman that was pepper balled with her two children, pictured running from the pepper spray:  You stood among the rock throwers=you are them.  You swim with the geese, you flock with the geese.  That is our fence.  It's there for a reason.

I am glad this is MEXICO's problem, not ours..because Mexico has allowed this to happen.  

I am suspicious..I think this was a "dry run", to see how we will respond, so they can adjust and attack.

I hope and pray our miltary and border patrol is truly ready for the large onslaught that is about to come.  Don't back down.  I'm grateful Trump keeps saying "they will not get in".  I pray that happens.  I am glad Mexico is deporting lots of folks who just tried to rush our border.  How dare they.

Pawns?  Are they pawns.  Unless they're mentally deficient, it's hard for me to feel sorry for them.

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