Why Beto Worries Me

Mar 13th, 2019



It's official.  Beto O'Rourke, the cultural appropriator, is officially running for President as of tonight.

Why am I worried? He came within 3 points of defeating Ted Cruz.  Texas is 38 electoral college votes.  He could win 38 votes-enough to defeat Trump.  And..if Beto survives towards the end, he could be tapped by Biden to be a Biden-Beto ticket.  A moderate and a liberal with Texas as a possible win.

Now, I'm also NOT worried, because Beto-to me-is a joke and has radical policies (take down the border wall in El Paso, Impeach Trump, the DWI hit and run, his father in law-rich-supposedly paying his way into congress, etc).

We should NOT laugh this off.  

All those Beto signs are coming back up..like, now.  All those bumper stickers have stayed on..and will exponentially grow in numbers, unfortunately.

I feel like I'm going to vomit...again. 

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