Asylum Seekers Coming to DFW?

Apr 9th, 2019



JUST finding out today the illegal "migrants" may soon be bused up to DFW and there's NOTHING we can do to stop it and we DON'T have a say in it!!

The ONLY thing our Homeland Security will listen to is Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins' suggestions on where might be a good idea.

It's not guaranteed yet, but it is being seriously looked at.

This now makes us Beto.  This now makes us complicit.  This now shows all folks who haven't left from Central America that the $5,000-$7,000 is worth coming here for.  This emboldends the Narco-Terrorists, telling them we will clear the way for them to bring more and more illegal "migrants" up, and they can make more and more money every day!  

WHY would Mexico step up, now?  WHY would they help us? WE'RE NOT HELPING OURSELVES!

THIS is why Trump is firing top DHS officials, and switching some around..they're embarrassed that the heat the President gives them from his decisions to stand firm.  They're beaurocrats.  He IS CHANGE.  He is like Thomas Edison, tinkering and trying again and again to invent this "light bulb".

God help us, and these Democrats and their choice to not help us stop this is destroying our nation. 

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