Nebulous Chief to Reappear?

Aug 22nd, 2019



Night after night, we've asked for you to report any sightings of Dallas Chief U Renee Hall, to no avail.

Now, like the Papal announcement, where small puffs of smoke appear from a Papal shack of some sort, we hear that our pro-crime Chief will soon surface from her nebulous hidings.

HOWEVER, JUST like the Pope, you will have almost NO contact or access to her!  Our Black Lives Matter City Manager Teaser "TC" Broadnax has instructed her to have "limited availability" as she "recovers" from her "medical proceedure".  

I don't know what the alleged "procedure" was, but if it was gender re-assignment, we're screwed.  That would surely guarantee she'd be "unfireable" as an African Amercian SJW and a gender reassignment??  Were she a Muslim, she'd have a "Trifecta"..a "Trioka"--virtually impenetrable/"fire-proof".

Broadnax has admitted to being poor in communication on Chief's sudden and unnanounce long-term absence.  Newly elected Mayor Eric Johnson hasn't spoken to her in 6+ weeks, while the city reaches epic levels of homicides and violence.

One thing's for that Chief's coming back, the homicides will go up..and violant crime will skyrocket even more.  

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