Coming to All of DFW: Shelter In Place Orders

Mar 23rd, 2020



Dallas County starts at Midnight, but we now know Tarrant County, in conjunction with Fort Worth, is going to announce a Shelter in Place order to fight Covid-19 tomorrow/Tuesday at their 9am press conference. 

Collin is going to announce one shortly as well, but it won't be the same order..might be a little different.  Denton will have one shortly, too, according to Dallas County Commissioner JJ Koch, who joined me on tonight's show.  

A lot of people are not happy, and I understand that.

However, as long as it's only 2-4 weeks, I'm ok with that.  Why?

Look at the toilet paper isle.  Can we trust these people to stay at home if they're showing symptoms?

Couple that with these facts:

-Our North Texas hospitals and their organizations say this is a must; they're even lobbying Gov. Abbott right now to do this state wide.  They say we're going to run out of beds and respirators if we don't do this.

-Folks can have Coronavirus for 5 days and be contagious, without showing any symptoms

-86% of cases are spread by people who don't know they have it, according to a Wall Street Journal article today

-It's twice as contagious and 10 times more deadly than the flu, and we don't have a vaccine

--this will devistate and harm our economy.  A balance must be struck. I think our President is right, in 2 weeks, re-evaluate.  It might take another week or two, but this horrible devastation will stave off over crowded hospitals where folks won't have a bed for heart attacks and won't be able to get treatment.  

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