Clay J Rebuked Again; FW Cracking Down

Apr 18th, 2020



I've never seen JWP and JJ Koch..and all the Dall Co Commissioners go after Clay J, so forcefully and directly as today.  I am so encouraged. 

Clay J DID NOT involve them in the decision on the mask order, nor the fines.  He went against their wishes and vote again.  In an emergency meeting this morning they went after him, and hard.  Clay J said "There will be no arrest and fine".  To which they ALL said "BS--that IS in the order..what you're saying about 'no enforcement' is NOT spelled out in the order."  

JWP also RAILED about 5,000 barbers out of work with no money, etc, in his district.  

JUST like Michigan's Governor, Clay J has and is overstepping his bounds, big time.

Meanwhile, I'm PROUD of Fort Worth--they ARE cracking down--WISELY--and properly--on restaurants & bars that are NOT following the order, issuing citations, and doing the same for 3 citizens who are illegally going out and illegally feeding homeless in the streets.  GOOD.  Instead of violating the order and giving a homeless person the virus, which could kill him, or getting it yourself, follow the law, and let them get the help they need but may not want (due to having to be SOBER to get it) at the appropriate places in this great city.

LASTLY:  TEXAS and TARRANT announcing we will SOON be OPEN FOR BUSINESS--albeit little by little--and wisely rolled out.  It IS time to get ready to open up one step at a time.  But we did need the 4-8 weeks, depending on where we are in this country and in this state.

The Numbers:

Dallas County: 2190 Cases, 55 Deaths, Recovered
Tarrant County: 1175 Cases, 35 Deaths, 187 Recovered
Denton County: 585 Cases, 15 Deaths, 244 Recovered
Collin County: 505 Cases, 12 Deaths, 304 Recovered

Total 4,455 Cases, 117 Deaths, 737 Recovered
Percentage Increase in 33 Days (March 15th: 26 Cases): 17,035% ​

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