The Defiance Grows

Apr 23rd, 2020



First it was the Mayor of Colleyville, who ever-so-politely chose to defy the Governor and County Judge's orders.  Today, that list now includes a Fort Worth Bar and a Dallas salon.

As the Governor said today on WBAP's Morning News with Hal and Brian, if you defy his order, he could put you in jail for 6 months and fine you up to $1,000.  

YES, people are going hungry.  YES, people are out of work.  But it will get WORSE if we take the law into our own hands.  We actually had a listener call for insurrection tonight...against our Conservative Republican Governor and Republican President and County Manager.

So how would this work if we all "did what we want" and "make our own rules"?  It's called anarchy, and that's what the LEFT is supposed to want. ANTIFA, Occupy Wall St, Black Lives Matter, et al.

Many of these Republicans sound like LIBERALS.  How?  Like when a lib says, in essence, "you sucker!  you paid $10k and waited 10 years to come in legally??"...should have come illegally.  Or, "you sucker!  you paid off your college tuition?  we're ganna' get it for FREE, it's a RIGHT".  BS.

EVEN TRUMP rebuked the Conservative Republican Governor of Georgia today, saying he "strongly disagreed" with Governor Brian Kemp's decision to open up many businesses this week.  Interesting to watch this all play out..and concerning. 

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